What makes a Good classmate and what makes a bad class mate

What makes a good classmate:

is not going on your cell phone because school is for luring but I bet every teen has been on there cell phone at school hour.Also when you yell out loud that’s not cool and talking 24/7 some people like to listen.

What makes a bad classmate:

when you talk when the teacher is trying to explain something it makes people really mad.Also when you blow your nose close to someones desk.And a nether thing is talking behind someones back

By: Alexis

What is a true friend?

There are many different characteristics to a true friend.  A true friend is someone that is nice to you. True friends are someone that are nice to you because friends are supposed to make you feel good not bad.   Also someone you have been friends for a long time 98% has only one true friend that has been there for them all there life.  When you are in a public school you don’t really know who is a good friend. When you are in middle school you start to realize who is a good friend and who is not a good friend.  In middle school you become older and more mature plus you are more wise and you can realize who is a good friend. In conclusion, a true friend is someone who is nice, someone you can be friends with for a long time and someone you choose to be friends when you are mature.